Rooms and facilities can be adapted as required to suit the purpose of the let. Kitchen and catering facilities are on site and can be utilised by any group hiring premises for a small fee. Furthermore, Cornerstone Café is open Monday-Saturday and can easily be accessed by those using or visiting The Centre.
Cornerstone House Centre is a suitable venue for all kinds of activities and groups. It is ideal for regular lets as well as one-off, short term or occasional bookings
New groups are always welcome to set up home at Cornerstone House Centre. Its town centre location and capacity to host several activities at once makes it an ideal choice for many groups and organisations.
Click here to download Cornerstone House Centre's Facilities Hire poster
Our Pricing
Cornerstone House Centre believes in fair, accessible and flexible pricing for its facilities hire, recognising that charities and third sector organisations in particular often operate to tight and restricted financial budgets.
Without obligation to take up room hire, all Cornerstone House Centre service users are entitled to at least one free initial consultation meeting and / or visit to The Centre to view facilities before making a decision as to whether to making a booking or not.
A summary of Cornerstone House Centre prices for room hire and associated costs is summarised below. Images of each of the described rooms can be viewed in the Gallery by scrolling further down this page.
Cornerstone House Centre believes in fair, accessible and flexible pricing for its facilities hire, recognising that charities and third sector organisations in particular often operate to tight and restricted financial budgets.
Without obligation to take up room hire, all Cornerstone House Centre service users are entitled to at least one free initial consultation meeting and / or visit to The Centre to view facilities before making a decision as to whether to making a booking or not.
A summary of Cornerstone House Centre prices for room hire and associated costs is summarised below. Images of each of the described rooms can be viewed in the Gallery by scrolling further down this page.

The rooms and facilities at Cornerstone House Centre are modern, multi-purpose and well used. Some photographs of the different rooms, facilities and amenities available within Cornerstone House Centre can be viewed by scrolling below:
Conference Hall...
The rooms and facilities at Cornerstone House Centre are modern, multi-purpose and well used. Some photographs of the different rooms, facilities and amenities available within Cornerstone House Centre can be viewed by scrolling below:
Conference Hall...

ICT and Soft Skills Suite (Room L6)...

Multi-Purpose Room L4...

Meeting Room L3...

Kitchen Facilities...

Main Foyer Area...

Office Rooms and Units...
New images will be posted in this section soon.