Cornerstone House Centre is now recruiting participants for a new delivery of the popular and nationally recognised personal development course Living Life to the Full, commencing in January.
Living Life to the Full is an award-winning course that provides participants with key knowledge in how to develop skills to tackle feelings of low mood, stress and distress arising from work, parenting, relationships and other aspects of life. It involves Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and locally the programme has been highly successful in achieving a range of positive outcomes and impacts for participants.
The course is free of charge and will incorporate 12 hours of learning over a period of eight sessions. The first session will be on Monday 27 January 2020 at Cornerstone House Centre in Cumbernauld, with 90-minute sessions taking place every Monday thereafter for a total of eight weeks.
Participants do not require any particular skills, knowledge or information before joining the course, and sessions are very informal and discursive-based. Participants will receive a range of free resources and materials each week of their attendance.
Five Areas Ltd, the national accreditation body for Living Life to the Full, recognises Cornerstone House Centre as a fully verified provider of the programme. In this respect, Cornerstone House Centre can be engaged by a range of groups and service providers – including communities, statutory bodies, voluntary sector organisations, schools and mental health services – to deliver customised packages of this course.
If you would be interested in participating in the course, or would like to refer a client who may be keen to sign up, please contact Cornerstone House Centre on 01236 739220 or email
Click here to download Living Life to the Full course information leaflet