Visitors to Cornerstone House Centre are asked to read the below important and updated information in relation to all upcoming planned visits to the organisation’s community-owned building in light of UK Government’s latest guidance regarding coronavirus (COVID-19).
The health and safety of those visiting the building is of paramount concern to Cornerstone House Centre. Hence, the below important information is provided by Cornerstone House Centre following Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s address to the nation of Monday 23 March 2020 regarding coronavirus (COVID-19).
Cornerstone House Centre’s building at 1 Esk Walk (Town Centre, Cumbernauld, G67 1BZ) is now closed at all times until further notice, with the exception of every Thursday from 5.00pm-7.00pm when Bethlehem House of Bread Food Bank is open.
As such, visitors or service users of any organisation operating from the building other than Bethlehem House of Bread Food Bank are instructed to not to visit The Centre for the foreseeable future. Those visiting the Food Bank are asked to read the below information before assessing whether they should visit or not.
It is intended that the building will reopen at the earliest appropriate date in the future, with public health interests and UK Government advice being the prime deciding factors as to when this will be. The team at Cornerstone House Centre thanks everyone for their patience and understanding in relation to these matters and apologises for any inconvenience that may be caused.
Bethlehem House of Bread Food Bank
Bethlehem House of Bread Food Bank remains open at this time because it provides an essential service for people experiencing food poverty living in the Cumbernauld area. However, there are some important restrictions on who is able to enter the building at the time the Food Bank is open.
Anyone who is experiencing symptoms of being unwell, including those with a cough, runny nose, fever, a high temperature or difficulty breathing, MUST NOT visit the Cornerstone House Centre building under any circumstances.
Older people and those with underlying health conditions that are not showing symptoms are also asked not to visit The Centre during this period.
If this affects you but you would like to have attended or dropped off items for the Food Bank, please contact Bethlehem House of Bread Food Bank via Facebook or on 07737 999104 and alternative arrangements to visiting the building can be discussed.
For those attending the building during Food Bank opening hours, please be assured that extra measures are being taken at this time to ensure standards of building cleanliness are maximised.
People visiting the Food Bank are asked to be extra vigilant in washing their hands and personal hygiene when they do attend.
Cornerstone House Centre
Weekly sessions of Bookbug, Stay and Play (every Thursday) and Living Life to the Full (every Monday) facilitated by Cornerstone House Centre have been postponed for the foreseeable future.
Cornerstone House Centre’s Community Space facility located at Unit 14, Antonine Shopping Centre, has also been closed until further notice.
Cornerstone House Centre will continue to be providing Cumbernauld Family Hub, Cumbernauld Community Health Information Hub, Cumbernauld CAN (Community Anchor Network) and other key services remotely during the building closure. The best way to contact the organisation at this time is through emailing Latest updates can also be obtained by visiting the organisation’s website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
Cornerstone Cafe
Cornerstone Cafe, which is normally open Monday-Saturday, is included in the building closure and will remain closed until further notice. Latest updates can be accessed by visiting the Cafe’s Facebook page.
Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Services
Weekly Sunday worship services provided by Cornerstone Christian Fellowship have been cancelled until further notice.
However, a worship service will be streamed online every Sunday at 11.00am during the closure through the church’s Facebook page, with an open invitation extended. Further updates can be obtained by visiting the organisation’s website.
Other Services Operating from the Building
Weekly activities taking place in The Centre organised by Slimming World, Drop In Cafe, Traditional Taekwondo Association, Gaelic Choir, All in Fitness, Cancer Research UK, One Parent Families Scotland, Routes to Work, Toddler Group, Tool Library Cumbernauld and Rhythm Time have all been postponed for the time being.
Service users are asked to contact these organisations directly for further information and updates regarding their service provision and contingency plans.
Unfortunately, all scheduled room hires planned for during the closure period require to be postponed given UK Government advice. To reschedule, please contact Cornerstone House Centre via email at
On Monday 23 March 2020, UK Government provided a range of important new measures that the public show follow to prevent the further spread of coronavirus. This included that everyone in the country should leave home only to exercise once a day, travel to and from work where absolutely necessary, shop for essential items and to fulfuil any medical or care needs.
Coronavirus (also named COVID-19) is a newly discovered illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It was first discovered in China in December 2019, and in March 2020 has been declared a pandemic by World Health Organisation.
The main symptoms of coronavirus are a cough, a high temperature and shortness of breath. Like many viruses, there is no specific treatment for coronavirus. Treatment aims to relieve the symptoms while your body fights the infection.
If you’ve developed a cough or fever in the last seven days, NHS Lanarkshire advises that you stay at home for seven days from the day your symptoms started. Only phone your GP or NHS 24 (111) out-of-hours if your symptoms are severe.
One of the key ways we can all help avoid catching and spreading infections like coronavirus is to practice good personal hygiene. Key advice for everyone in this area includes:
Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze, and dispose of them in the nearest waste bin straight after use
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth, especially if your hands are not clean
Wash your hands with soap and water often, and use alcohol hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available, especially after coughing or sneezing, going to the toilet and before eating and drinking (best practice guidance and information on washing your hands and using sanitiser / hand rub can be obtained by clicking on the underlined links).
Avoid direct contact with people that have a respiratory illness and avoid using their personal items (such as mobile phones).
A dedicated section has been created on the NHS Lanarkshire website to provide quick and easy access to the various information and guidance available to the public and healthcare professionals regarding coronavirus.
Available at, the website is a central hub for key resources, links and information from official sources on the current outbreak. Updated regularly, it will include latest advice and details as directed by UK Government, Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland.
If you do not have symptoms and are looking for general information, a free coronavirus helpline has been set up and can be contacted on 0800 028 2816 (Monday to Friday, 8am-10pm, Saturday and Sunday, 9am-5pm).